A mini facelift, also known as a mini-lift, is a popular facial rejuvenation procedure that can help you look years younger. It is ideal for those who want to reduce some of the common visible signs of aging, but don’t want or need a full, traditional facelift. What’s more, the mini facelift procedure can be customized to meet your needs and desired outcome.

The mini facelift uses innovative surgical techniques to address sagging skin and wrinkles in the lower portions of the face. It offers natural-looking results with minimal downtime, making it a great option for those who are busy and don’t have time for a lengthy recovery.

Dr. Joseph Michaels, located in Rockville, Maryland has helped countless patients throughout the wider DMV area reverse the signs of facial aging with a mini facelift. Book your personal consultation by calling (301) 468-5991 for our Rockville, MD office or (703) 957-8610 for our Fairfax, VA location. Patients can also submit a simple online inquiry on our website.

Before & After

Before and After Photos

About the Mini Facelift

The mini facelift procedure involves the use of delicate incisions in the skin. Traditional incisions are made in the hairline above the ear, around the temples, and continue beneath the chin. However, the mini facelift focuses on the lower face, with shorter incisions around the ears and down the angle of the jawline.

The mini facelift procedure can be performed using either the SMAS or MACS lift technique.

  • The SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) technique involves tightening and repositioning the underlying layers of muscle and tissue to restore youthful contours and reduce wrinkles. 
  • The MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) technique utilizes less invasive techniques to bring the skin back into its original position. Like the SMAS facelift, it repositions tissue in the lower portion of the face.

Mini, or “short-scar” facelifts involve shorter incisions compared to traditional facelifts. They produce less swelling and bruising which may mean recovery is faster and more convenient than that of a standard facelift surgery. (1) 

Mini Facelift with Neck Lift

A mini facelift targets skin laxity in the lower face. Patients with additional sagging in the neck may wish to incorporate a neck lift (cervicoplasty) into their treatment. (2) No matter which technique Dr. Michaels uses, he will take the time to understand your goals and customize your mini facelift to your desired outcome. He will create a plan to address your concerns and provide you with beautiful, natural-looking results.


The mini facelift offers many benefits, including:

  • Reduced wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improved skin laxity
  • Elevated cheeks and jowls
  • Accentuated jawline
  • Restored youthful contours
  • Improved overall facial balance
  • Natural-looking results

Dr. Michaels takes the time to get to know each patient and understand their goals. During your initial consultation, he will discuss all of your options and provide you with honest feedback about what you can expect from a mini facelift.


If you are unhappy with signs of aging in your face and want to achieve a more youthful appearance, you may be an ideal candidate for a mini facelift. The best candidates for this procedure are in good health and have realistic expectations for their results. If you have sagging skin, drooping jowls, wrinkles and fine lines, or want to combine your surgery with a fat transfer to restore lost volume in your face, a mini facelift may be right for you.

Although the mini facelift is a great way to rejuvenate your face, it is not for everyone. Conditions that may stop a patient from undergoing the surgery include the following. (2)

  • Diabetes 
  • Immunocompromising Conditions 
  • Steroid Requirements 
  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Connective Tissue Disorders

Personal Consultation

Dr. Michaels understands how difficult it can be to choose the right plastic surgeon for your mini facelift. He is committed to providing honest and personalized care that meets your individual needs. 

During your private mini facelift consultation, you will meet with him to discuss your aesthetic goals and review before-and-after pictures of his past work. He will explain the differences between a mini facelift and a full facelift and answer any questions you may have.

You can trust that Dr. Michaels will provide realistic feedback about your candidacy for the mini facelift and create a treatment plan tailored to you. He is dedicated to helping you achieve the youthful look you desire.

If you have been considering a mini facelift to reduce wrinkles and tighten tissue in your lower face, contact our Rockville office at (301) 468-599 or our Fairfax office at (703) 957-8610. We are proud to serve patients from Rockville and Fairfax and throughout Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware.

Mini Facelift Procedure

We will provide personalized instructions to help you prepare for your mini facelift surgery. We recommend that you wear loose-fitting clothing and have a friend or family member drive you to your appointment. Due to the after-effects of anesthesia, you will not be able to drive yourself home after your surgery, so please also arrange for them to pick you up.

The mini facelift is a targeted procedure. You will receive anesthesia to keep you comfortable and pain-free for the duration of your surgery. Once your face has been marked for treatment, Dr. Michaels will begin the procedure. He will make tiny incisions in a location where they will be well-concealed in the natural creases by the ears and in your natural hairline. Using the selected mini facelift technique, Dr. Michaels will gently reposition the underlying muscles and remove any excess skin. He will then suture the area to secure the skin and underlying tissue into its new position. Finally, once your surgery is complete, we will monitor you in a recovery room before you are approved to begin your recovery at home.


What Can I Expect from Mini Facelift Recovery?

Bruising, swelling, and mild soreness can occur following mini facelift surgery. Your recovery instructions will include approved methods of controlling any post-procedure discomfort. You are encouraged to take short, frequent walks over your recovery period to promote healthy blood flow. Most patients are able to return to work and light activity within five to seven days of their procedure! Exercise can be resumed within six to eight weeks. Dr. Michaels will discuss your personal recovery timeline with you and go over your aftercare instructions.

Dr. Michaels’ patients enjoy a shorter, more comfortable recovery from their surgery thanks to his experience, care, and expertise. You will receive personalized recovery instructions to help you achieve the most effective results. If at any point you have questions during your recovery, please do not hesitate to get in touch!


The result? A younger-looking, refreshed you! Despite swelling, you will notice a difference in your facial contours immediately after your mini facelift surgery. However,  it will take some time for the facial tissues to adapt to their new position. As they continue to settle and improve, patients can expect to see their final results after three to six months. Patients who maintain an active lifestyle and healthy diet will enjoy their new look for years to come.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 

Brow Lift

If there is more drooping or sagging in the upper third of your face, Dr. Michaels may suggest a brow lift. Incisions are made in the hairline above the forehead for dramatic improvement of horizontal lines and a tighter, more youthful-looking brow area.

Fat Transfer

In some cases, time and other factors may cause facial hollowing, causing a natural decline in facial fat. To counter this, Dr. Michaels can combine a mini facelift procedure with fat transfer from another area of your body, such as the abdomen.

Neck Lift

A neck lift can continue the incisions of your mini facelift further down into the neck to achieve additional rejuvenating effects. This procedure is suitable for people with more significant skin redundancy in the neck region, and so-called “turkey-neck”.

Botox & Fillers

To accentuate their mini facelift results, many patients use Botox, or fillers like Juvéderm, Restylane, and Sculptra. The expected waiting period for hyaluronic acid fillers and other injectables after a facelift is 6-8 weeks, though these treatments can only take place once swelling has subsided.

Cost of a Mini Facelift in Rockville, MD

Dr. Michaels gives extensive, individualized advice to every patient regarding their treatment plan. Therefore, the cost of a mini facelift will vary according to your circumstances. To discuss financing options with our staff, and to find out if you are a good candidate for the procedure, please call your nearest location at one of the numbers below.

Rockville, MD: (301) 468-5991

Fairfax, VA: (703) 957-8610

For more information about the mini facelift, and other facial rejuvenation procedures, feel free to read Dr. Michaels’ blog!


What is the difference between a mini facelift and a full facelift?

A full facelift is designed to address moderate to severe signs of aging, while mini facelifts are designed for patients who are beginning to show signs of aging, but are not yet ready for a full facelift. A mini facelift is less invasive and does not focus on removing excess skin. However, it does focus on tightening the underlying tissue.

How much does it cost to get a mini facelift?

Due to the fact that mini facelift is a highly customized procedure, mini facelift pricing is determined on a case-by-case basis. Once you and your surgeon have agreed on your treatment preferences, you will receive a personalized estimate.

Is a mini facelift painful?

No, a mini facelift procedure is not painful. Patients are 100% comfortable during your mini facelift procedure as they are performed using general anesthesia. Post-procedure discomfort is easily controlled with medication, which your surgeon will prescribe for you.


  1. Yang AJ, Hohman MH. Rhytidectomy. PubMed. Published 2022. Accessed April 26, 2022. 
  2. Caplin DA, Perlyn CA. Facelifts: A Contemporary Perspective. Missouri Medicine. 2010;107(3):195-197. Accessed November 23, 2021.