Aesthetic laser treatments are a high-tech variety of skin care and rejuvenation procedures that will leave your skin looking bright and beautiful. Some may not know that the term laser is actually an acronym for “light amplified by the stimulated emissions of radiation.”[1] Lasers are a single light wavelength that, when focused specifically, get absorbed, deflected, scattered, or transmitted by various pigments in the skin. Results depend on the type of laser used, the type of procedure taking place, and the aesthetic goals of the patient. In the world of dermatology and cosmetic surgery, the introduction of lasers has gained traction and popularity since first being used by Leon Goldman (otherwise known as “the father of lasers in medicine”) back in 1963 [2]. Since then, lasers have gone on to assist in invasive surgical procedures as well as non-invasive cosmetic services. Here at Michaels Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery we use lasers for a myriad of cutting edge operations. Our laser treatment procedures include:
- Laser Hair Removal with Diolaze XL
- Laser Vein Removal
- IPL Lumecca
- SmartLipo
Read more to find out just how lasers – and our expert team – may be the solution to your aesthetic goals! If you want to learn more about our services or Dr. Michaels, feel free to read our blog that discusses many services like tummy tuck, facelifts, and liposuction.
Is It Safe?
While in the hands of an expertly trained surgeon, you don’t have to worry about anything regarding your laser treatment at Michaels Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery. Whether electing to go with SmartLipo, which is a minimally invasive laser treatment, or laser hair removal, which is non-invasive, you are taken care of from the moment you walk in the door until the moment you leave looking like the new you. Safety is our number one priority. While these treatments may have side effects, the use of lasers makes them at most minimally invasive which significantly decreases the chances of any serious side effects. If you wish to meet with our expert team to discuss your treatment options feel free to contact us to set up an initial consultation at either our Rockville or Fairfax locations.
Laser Services With Dr. Michaels

After the introduction and subsequent wave of laser use in dermatology and cosmetic surgery, there have been many DIY, at-home solutions that promise the same results as treatments performed in a medical setting. These products pop up in internet ads and are raved about by beauty bloggers. But do they work? Can they offer the same, pristine results we can? Simple answer is: no and at a higher cost. These products advertise that they use the same cutting edge technology we do. If that is true, that makes matters incredibly worse. What these devices offer with ease and accessibility they lose completely in safety. As many of these treatments require a trained technician to make several passes over the target area, expertly assessing that they are targeting the hair follicles and not the skin tissue. But without this trained eye, a person is very likely to use the device incorrectly resulting in severe burns on the skin.
This is why it is important to trust the professionals when seeking laser treatment. Our team here at Michael’s Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C., can offer you real, lasting results.
What Is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is when laser generated light energy is focused onto a patch of hair follicles where then that energy permanently disables those follicles’ ability to grow back. Depending on the size of the area and the density of the hair follicles, more than one session may be advised to ensure permanent, long-lasting results.

If you’re looking to rid areas of unsightly hair follicles, laser hair treatment is a perfect solution. With shaving, waxing, and plucking you aren’t given permanent results. All of these alternatives require a lifetime of upkeep. However, after a few sessions of our laser hair removal, you can be given that guarantee of a permanent hair removal solution.
DiolazeXL is a new, revolutionary handheld laser hair removal device that specializes in quicker, longer-lasting results. Its specialty is in its cutting-edge handle and ease while using. Expert technicians only need to point and POOF! Those hairy trouble spots are virtually gone in the blink of an eye.
Here at Michael’s Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, we are proud to use this revolutionary tool in the advancement of cosmetic laser hair removal. Created by InMode, Diolaze XL is the next generation of laser hair removal. Before DiolazeXL, patients receiving laser hair treatment expected a longer time in the doctor’s chair as old methods took longer and didn’t cover enough surface area in just one visit. However, with the new DiolazeXL, time under the laser lasts as little as 15-20 minutes.
How long do DiolazeXL results last?
The beauty with this treatment is the near permanence it has with removing unsightly hair from various parts of the body. After one session, you may see the hair in that area is nearly gone or grows back incredibly fainter than before. After a couple more sessions, the hair will be permanently gone.
Is it painful?
Depending on the areas being treated, tenderness at the targeted areas is common. Some patients can receive a numbing gel or agent that will help with this tenderness after their DiolazeXL session. When the laser is at work, it can feel like warm pokes or a rubber band flicking at your skin.
Laser Vein Removal
Laser vein removal is the process of focusing light energy on visible veins causing them to shrink and close.[3] This makes the once prominent vein retreat back into the body causing the textured skin to return back to its smooth, unaltered appearance. The blood that had once traveled through this vein then easily finds neighboring veins to continue its tour through your body.
Ideal Candidates in Washington D.C.
After reading this, you may be thinking “All this sounds great, but is it right for me? Is it right for the goals I have for my appearance?” The fact that you are thinking about this in this way is perfect. Our main focus here is helping you to achieve your goals, so knowing them and being aware of how to achieve them is pivotal to start this journey. If you read this and thought this may apply to you please feel free to call either our Rockville location (301-468-5991) or our Fairfax location at (703-957-8610) to set up an initial consultation. There, we can go over all your information as well aesthetic goals, so that we can create an action plan designed specifically for you and those goals. We look forward to meeting you and helping you along this journey to a happier and healthier YOU!
How long do results last?
If done by an experienced, skillful team the results should be near permanent. The use of lasers when treating spider veins or varicose veins is ideal, because it non-surgically closes the vein, decreasing the future likelihood of it ever showing up again. A 2007 research team based out of the UK, studied different approaches to treating varicose veins, finding that 95% of patients who received laser vein removal were completely satisfied with their results from the procedure.[4]
What Is IPL Lumecca?
IPL Lumecca is a light-based, non-invasive procedure that clears blemishes such as red marks, tiny veins, dark spots, and so many others. This novel approach provides real results without damaging or killing any tissue on the treated sites. While many other similar procedures require 4-5 sessions to treat the same issues, IPL Lumecca works in as little as 1-2 sessions.
What Is SmartLipo?
Smartlipo is an unprecedented solution to those pesky fat and skin cells around your body. It works by using laser-assisted methods to sculpt and contour the body into a more desired form for the patient. This minimally invasive procedure can be used on almost any region of the body that has excess fat and/or tissue cells. Patients who have recently lost a significant amount of weight and need a solution to their loose skin are ideal candidates.
Liposuction vs. SmartLipo
While a more radical approach to conventional liposuction, Smartlipo is specifically designed to fix the problem let on by liposuction: lengthy recovery time. After the procedure, Dr. Michael’s recommends you to take off 2-3 days to focus on rest and rejuvenation, which is more than a week less than the recovery time necessary after liposuction. Why is that? Because SmartLipo is less invasive than traditional liposuction and doesn’t require general anesthesia like liposuction, thus resulting in quicker recovery time. With Smartlipo, the patient can be in and out the same day, not requiring a costly, uncomfortable overnight stay in the hospital. The body of your dreams can come faster with SmartLipo.
- Husain, Z., & Alster, T. S. (2016). The role of lasers and intense pulsed light technology in dermatology. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology, 9, 29–40. https://doi.org/10.2147/CCID.S69106
- Gianfaldoni, S., Tchernev, G., Wollina, U., Fioranelli, M., Roccia, M. G., Gianfaldoni, R., & Lotti, T. (2017). An Overview of Laser in Dermatology: The Past, the Present and … the Future (?). Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences, 5(4), 526–530. https://doi.org/10.3889/oamjms.2017.130
- Endovenous Laser Varicose Vein Surgery. (2021). https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/endovenous-laser-varicose-vein-surgery.https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/endovenous-laser-varicose-vein-surgery#:~:text=A%20laser%20is%20a%20device,through%20other%20nearby%20veins%20instead.