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How Long Do Facelift Results Last?

Facelift surgery is an excellent way to turn back the clock and look eight to 10 years younger. When done correctly, the procedure tightens lax skin, restores healthy muscle tone and redistributes displaced fat around the face. If you are wondering exactly how long these incredible benefits last, this blog post is for you.

Factors that Determine How Long Facelift Results Last

It is difficult to provide an exact number of years that facelift results last. Every face is unique and every surgeon is different. How long facelift results last depends on some of the following factors:

Skill of the facelift surgeon. Possibly the most important factor in the longevity of facelift results is the surgeon that performs the procedure. The best and most talented surgeons use meticulous techniques that create natural and long-lasting results.

Type of facelift procedure performed/technique used. A full facelift procedure that treats the entire face lasts longer than “mini” facelifts or similar procedures. A facelift procedure alone doesn’t last as long as a facelift combined with brow lift and volume restoration via fat injections.

Quality of the skin before facelift. Heavy smokers, sun worshippers or patients who were formerly morbidly obese do not see their results last as long as others because their skin usually has significant laxity problems.

Age at the time of facelift. A younger patient in their 50s or early 60s with less noticeable signs of aging typically has longer-lasting results than patients over the age of 70.

Genetics. Some patients simply age faster than others due to genetic factors.

Prolong Your Facelift Results

Though you can’t change your genetics, there are other things that you can do on your own to prolong your facelift results.

Select the right surgeon. Look for someone with the right combination of credentials and experience that has demonstrated results. The surgeon’s before-and-after photo gallery can give you a good idea of their capabilities.

Don’t smoke. Smoking accelerates the aging process, hampers surgical recovery and can lead to more noticeable scarring.

Wear sunscreen. Unprotected sun exposure can accelerate the aging process.

Stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water helps the skin look supple and healthy.

Maintain your weight. Fluctuating significantly in weight can stretch out the skin; it can also affect the results of facelift surgery.

Follow your facelift surgeon’s instructions. Be careful to follow all of your post-operative instructions. These are designed to reduce the risk of complications that could affect your results.

Contact Our Facelift Surgeon

To schedule an informational consultation with our talented facelift surgeon, Dr. Joseph Michaels, please contact Michaels Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery. Schedule an appointment today by calling our Bethesda office at (301) 468-5991 or our Fairfax office at (703) 957-8610.