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Beach Bodies are Not Made in the Summer

Another summer has come and gone with a new round of beach body resolutions from unsatisfied bathing beauties. Each year, many folks embark on fad diets and cleanses to rid their bodies of extra fat. Even the most diligent gym-goers have problem areas they can’t seem to sculpt away on their own. If you’re tired of post-holiday yo-yo dieting and hiding behind cover-ups, now is the time to think about reconstructive body procedures.

Fat Removal Options

Tummy tuck, liposuction, Mommy Makeover and SculpSure are popular procedures to eliminate stubborn fat and reshape areas that diet and exercise alone cannot help. SculpSure is an FDA-approved fat reduction device that is completely non-invasive with no downtime. SmartLipo is considered minimally invasive and does not require general anesthesia. Your body will still need ample time to heal before reaching the anticipated results. Fall and winter are the best times to start thinking about surgery in terms of summer readiness. Schedule a consultation before the New Year to allow yourself plenty of time to heal before beach weather returns.

Laser Procedures

Whether you want to erase cellulite, get rid of spider veins or even out your skin tone, laser treatments can help you turn back the hands of time. While the recovery time for these treatments is marginal, some procedures may require two or three visits in order to achieve the desired results. There’s no time like the present to start erasing signs of aging or unwanted body hair, and getting a head start on a series of treatments will help you ease the overall financial blow.

Start Saving Now for the Future

As reconstructive surgeries and even minor procedures can start to add up quickly, scheduling a consultation late in the year can give you a leg up on next summer’s beach body. You’ll be able to discuss your options with your doctor, find out if you’re a good candidate for the desired surgery, come up with a budget and schedule ample time to recover so you can be ready to lounge poolside with confidence.

Contact Dr. Joseph Michaels

Call Dr. Joseph Michaels at Michaels Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at (301) 468-5991 in North Bethesda, MD, or (703) 957-8610 in Fairfax, VA to discuss how you can plan ahead for next summer’s beach body. Schedule a consultation soon to put you one step closer to achieving your summer goals.